Photo Finale 8.5.5 Release Notes

Features: Support for localization of Umbraco pages for Photo Finale Enterprise sites Direct URL support to link to a specific style category (e.g. "Halloween") for a given product. 410481&folioCategoryName=halloween [...]

2016-11-02T08:27:11-04:00August 11th, 2012|Photo Finale, Release Notes|

Steve’s Favorite Things, APM 7.0

The ancient Greeks believed the number 7 represented perfection and plenty (hence, the ‘7’ wonders of the ancient world as opposed to the 5 or 6). While Moore’s Law and the pace of digital innovation make it impossible to claim any technology achieves perfection, Lucidiom’s APM 7.0 software certainly comes close. It also offers plenty of hot new customer features and retailing aides. So, I thought it fitting for this latest version of our APM software to highlight 7 of my favorite things for you as opposed to my customary 5 top picks.

2016-11-02T08:27:15-04:00June 30th, 2009|APM Kiosk, Release Notes|
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