website builder We just updated all Photo Finale sites to version 9.3, which includes these changes:

  • We have improved the PhotoViewer page layout with a new sidebar toolbar for photo editing and metadata.

PhotoViewer Sidepanel

  • We have added an unsubscribe page (/unsubscribe) that allows users to remove themselves from future emails sent via Lab 50.  This page can also be linked to by dealers with an email address specified, e.g., so using the macros in the email setup, the unsubscribe link (an email best practice) could be included at the bottom of emails.
  • We have enhanced the resolution warning to indicate how much smaller a given a photo is than the recommended size.

Resolution Warning

  • We have added a new “/signin” page which dealers can link to from their own sites, social posts and emails (e.g.  For customers who are already signed in (via “Remember Me”) the page will automatically redirect them straight to their photo collections.  Non logged-in members can sign into their account or sign up for a new one. Dealers can also add an optional “redirect” parameter to the URL to control where a user is sent after they’ve logged in, (e.g.
  • Hovering over a photo thumbnail in the library panel of the Creative Product Builder will now display a large, “instant preview” of the photo to help customers choose the right pic for their project.


  • Sharing a collection via email now shares just the specific collection, and not the user’s entire public library.
  • The “Copy Project” feature on the “My Projects” page has been fixed.
  • Deleting a page in a creative project no longer changes the z-order (layering) of photo spots on other pages.
  • Deleting a photo from a collection now removes any prints that had been ordered for that photo from the cart.
  • The “My Projects” link in the header is now hidden for sites that do not offer creative products.
  • We resolved an error that was occurring when trying to empty the cart after coming back from PayPal.
  • When deleting a photo that had been set as the background, the background is now reset to the proper color when only one background is available (e.g. “Black Book” style).
  • We have fixed the Dealer Finder search functionality for sites.

Coming Soon!

  • The unsubscribe functionality is being added in preparation for marketing email triggers, which we will be adding to your Lab 50 soon!
  • As well, we are working on an exporter for iPhoto…customized per retailer to allow your Mac users a slick way to get their photos (even maintaining the filtered sets) into Photo Finale.