Photo Finale v12.2.1 (20 September 2017)

12.2.1 Features & Changes

  • Fixed a bug that was preventing PayPal payments from working for guest customers.
  • Resolved a Javascript problem that prevented PicMonkey from loading properly.
  • Added an informational popup to explain that PicMonkey has renamed their “Save” button as “Export”
  • Fixed a problem where an event-level password could be bypassed when using the direct link for that event, rather than selecting it from the /events page.
  • Customers on sites that are configured with PayPal as the only payment method will no longer get stuck when attempting to submit a free order.
  • Resolved an issue when a “redirect” parameter is passed to the the /signin page that was causing guest -> member content transfer to be bypassed.
  • Code reorganization for easier sharing between projects and continued migration of pages to TypeScript.
  • Content transfer when a guest user logs into their account with photos, projects or cart items saved.
  • Fix for direct links to specific print categories that was not working.

Photo Finale v12.2 (29 August 2017)

12.2 Features & Changes

  • Improved the photo resolution shown on the single photo view of the Prints page — 3x the previous pixel count, with an even higher resolution used for proofing gallery sites (10x).
  • Added support for selecting multiple photos for upload on Android devices running Android Browser v5+, Chrome Mobile v49+, or Opera Mobile v39+.  Android OS requires users to tap and hold to select multiple files.
  • Fixed an error with adding additional pages to photo book projects.
  • Fixed a user interface issue in the Creative Product Builder that prevented rotation of photo spots from working.
  • Resolved a payment problem when signing up for a paid membership plan.
  • Added web support for orders placed via the “Order Creative Products” feature in Pocket Pics to be attributed to the app, once the next app update releases.
  • Handle the situation when a customer has paid with PayPal and the order doesn’t get submitted automatically upon return from PayPal to the site, but the customer couldn’t manually submit the order because the site did not recognize that payment had been made.
  • Google Analytics ecommerce transaction events are no longer missed when a customer uses PayPal as their payment method.
  • Tokenized the order number on the order confirmation page URL for enhanced security.
  • Fixed a “transition prevented” error message that could occur on mobile devices when using the autofill feature in the Creative Product Builder.
  • Corrected a bug on the Upload page which prevented the page from loading if the user’s previous upload speed configuration was no longer an available option.
  • Fixed a bug with the “Tax on Top” setting in the Tax Rules configuration.

Photo Finale v12.1 (23 June 2017)

12.1 Features & Changes

  • Updated dozens of external libraries to their latest versions for improved performance, stability and compatibility.
  • Upgraded Facebook integration (photo access and “Sign in with Facebook”) to support the latest version of the Facebook API (v2.9), required for new apps.
  • It is now possible to change the personalization text or selected option after you have added a project to your cart and return to edit it.
  • Fixed possible JavaScript error when a customer would create their first collection.
  • Improved the instructions shown for new members after they sign up.
  • Fixed the Checkout page not loading correctly in certain foreign languages, such as Spanish.
  • Tax is now properly charged on prepaid print plans.
  • Resolved a bug that caused collection owners to be prompted for a password when viewing their own password-protected collections.
  • The site can now log a member in via a magic authorization token via an incoming link, debuting soon in a Pocket Pics iOS app upgrade.
  • The layout styling on mobile devices has been fixed on the merchandise products’ Add to Cart page when the product has quantity price tiers.
  • The Edit Photo panel is now automatically collapsed for the user when they invoke one of the editors.
  • CSS classes have been added to the “Empty Cart” panel on the Cart page to allow for easier customization in Umbraco for PF Enterprise sites.
  • The title text on the Search page is no longer cut off on mobile devices.
  • When a user follows a direct link to a merchandise product and hits the Cancel button on the Add to Cart dialog, they are no longer left in limbo.
  • The main header logo shown on PF Standard sites has been increased in size by 20%.
  • On mobile devices the Upload button on the Prints page is now labelled, rather than solely relying on the icon, to improve discoverability by users.
  • The Featured Item links on the My Projects page have been fixed.
  • A customer’s membership signup is no longer shown as an order in their order history on the Account page.
  • Fixed a bug that could prevent users from using the Edit Photo feature in a creative project that had been previously saved and reloaded.
  • The Zoom and Opacity sliders in the Creative Product Builder have been re-styled so they are not so close to the edges on a mobile device, to prevent accidental activation of Safari’s “swipe from left to go back” gesture on iPhones.
  • Resolved a layout problem that made it impossible to close the advanced color picker (for font color or page background color) on a mobile device if you had one or more custom colors saved in your palette.
  • Fixed a CSS animation shown when selecting a collection in the Creative Product Builder which was not being clipped correctly on mobile devices.
  • The “Confirm Delete” popup on the Prints page is now translated into non-English languages.
  • The hamburger menu shown in the header of PF Standard sites on mobile devices now collapses automatically when a user makes a selection.
  • Added support for a custom dealer property to override the “Continue Shopping” url.
  • Added an “All” item to the beginning of the breadcrumbs list in the Creative Shopping page to allow customers to get back to the root.
  • Fixed the sizing of the collection toolbar buttons on the Prints page on mobile devices, which were too large.
  • Resolved a problem with the Sign Out page which could sometimes fail to fully load due to an exception within the Facebook SDK.
  • Ensure the correct folio layout loads when a project is initialized and the FolioPageLayout.Disabled field has a NULL value.
  • Fixed issue in the Creative Product Builder that prevented customers from adding text boxes to blank pages.
  • Optimized photo upload page to handle larger quantities of photos without becoming sluggish.

Photo Finale v12.0 (10 May 2017)

NEW! Proofing Gallery

Introducing Photo Finale’s new Proofing Gallery: beautiful, simple sites designed for professional photographers to store and share photos from shoots, and to present them to clients for proofing and print/product purchase.

A Proofing Gallery site allows for products, pricing, and branding distinct from your main PF site, but feeds into your existing Lab 50 for easy production. Just like a main Photo Finale site can, the Proofing Gallery can use a subdomain or a custom domain, making the site perfect as a stand-alone site. The same library of thousands of print and creative products, produced in-house or by one of our 3rd-party Marketplace partners, is available for you to offer on your Proofing Gallery site. Photo events are managed easily through myLab, allowing photographers to organize and deliver images quickly after the shoot and share them with clients. For each event, which can contain multiple collections of photos, photographers can set event name and description, password protection, URL, and watermarks as well.

If you shoot studio work or event photography, a Proofing Gallery will give you a polished way to show clients proofs, and an easy way to take orders for your professional prints and products. And, your Lab 50 can support multiple Proofing Gallery sites, so if you have pro photographers who want to fulfill through you, you can offer them their own, branded site that is seamlessly connected to your printing and fulfillment services. If you are a photographer looking for a proofing site and print/product fulfillment, we can connect you to a fulfiller!

Please have look at one of our demo Proofing Gallery sites. Contact us for options, pricing and questions:

12.0 Features & Changes

  • Added sorting options for the photo thumbnails in the Creative Product Builder photo library panel.
  • The Welcome page now features a product search box in addition to the buttons for Print and Create.
  • Greatly improved the navigation speed between pages when using links in the site header and footer.
  • Added a confirmation message after a customer successfully changes their password.
  • The fields on the Delivery page are now pre-filled, where possible, with information from a user’s account.
  • Added a real-time count of the number of items in the customer’s cart to the site header.
  • Unlocked the first page of all photo book styles so that customers may choose to change from the default, single-photo layout.
  • Increased the length of the quantity fields on the Cart page to handle values up to 9,999.
  • Addressed performance issues on the Review & Crop page running on Internet Explorer.
  • Fixed the Delete Collection operation on the Prints page.
  • Enhanced the site’s handling of PayPal errors during order submission including returning users to the PayPal site for additional info if required.
  • Fixed a bug that occurred when customers used the “Change Style” button or Back button in their browser and went back and ended up choosing a different product entirely.
  • Fixed saving of photos from the PicMonkey editor when the photo contains a space in the image name, the cause of intermittent PicMonkey failures which had been reported for some time.
  • Resolved cropping problems with photos uploaded using the Express or Fast modes which are already a smaller resolution than the target size.
  • When a customer copies and pastes passwords onto the Change Password page, any extraneous white space is trimmed from the front and back.
  • If a site is configured to only offer a single payment method, the method is now automatically selected on the Checkout Payment page.
  • Corrected the unsubstituted language string “CartSummary_Credit” which could appear on the Cart page.
  • Updated the maximum URL length the site accepts, to support a longer list of photos to import in Quick Order mode.
  • A fixed or diminishing service charge, if set, is no longer charged for paid membership signups.
  • A proper error message is now displayed on the Sign In page when a customer’s membership has expired.
  • Resolved a bug with the photo book content that prevented random pages from being deleted.
  • Updated the debug display mode to also show product Database IDs and Category IDs on the creative shopping pages.
  • The Options summary section on the Checkout Submit page is now hidden when there are no options configured.
  • Fixed a bug in Firefox and Internet Explorer browsers that prevented all photos from being shown on the Review & Crop page.
  • Resolved a problem on the Sign In page on iOS devices in which you had to click on the page to defocus the text field and then tap on it again in order for the on-screen keyboard to appear.
  • Ensured that the percentage discount values on the Prepaid Print Plans page are rounded off to whole numbers.
  • The Creative Product Builder will now respect when a particular layout has been marked as disabled by our content team.
  • Enhanced the error checking and messaging on the photo uploader page.
  • Improved the credit card validation and logo matching algorithm which was requiring the payment name (set in myLab or Lab 50) to be a case-sensitive match.
  • The Forgot Password page has been migrated from the legacy page format to the new Bootstrap model.
  • Fixed a logic flaw that caused the “automatic seasonal category” to expire a day earlier than specified, leading to “Autumn” showing during the 1-day gaps as it is the first alphabetically.

myLab Features & Changes

  • New Events section (only visible for Proofing Gallery sites) for adding and managing photo sessions.
  • Automatically disable/enable any child product categories when a user changes the active status of a category.  Also prevents the activating a category that is a child of a disabled category.
  • Upgraded the myLab code-base to Bootstrap and AngularJS for a more responsive site.
  • It is now possible to successfully remove Safe Zone configuration from a product after having added it.
  • Enhanced the “Online – Sales – Detailed” report to show the exact revenue share for each order.
  • Added several new fields to all of the applicable order reports — Order Source (Web, PFKiosk, iOS), Service Fee, Rush Order Fee, and Tax Exemption.
  • Updated the “Online – Customer Email List” report which shows all customers who signed up for membership or placed an online order during a given period.  The report now includes columns for how long a user has been a customer, when they placed their first order, whether they have unsubscribed from email and whether emails to their address have bounced in the past.
  • You can now use myLab to move a product category within a catalog.  On the category page there is a new dropdown list that allows you to change the parent category.